zero-waste pouch no. 7


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One-of-a-kind patchwork zipper pouch for your little treasures. It was made from scraps of vintage plant-dyed fabrics – leftovers from other sewing procjects. Suitable for change, for gifts, for glass slides from the river and the other microplastics.

Each side of the sachet is a unique patchwork composition.

Prościej. Saszetka uszyta ze skrawków lnianych tkanin barwionych roślinami, pozostałych po innych krawieckich projektach. Zapinana na metalowy zamek błyskawiczny YKK w kolorze starego złota. Podszewka z naturalnego niebarwionego lnu.

I mostly use vintage textiles and some of them are pieces of rare hand-woven antique linen fabric.

Dyed by hands with dyes extracted from plants:

  • european sprcuce / picea abies
  • black alder / alnus glutinosa
  • common oak / quercus robur
  • staghorn sumac / rhus typhina
  • black walnut / juglans nigra
  • white onion / allium cepa

And maybe more plant actors.


13 x 10 cm

Naturally dyed fabrics are delicate. Colors may change slightly over time and subsequent washes. They should be washed by hand, with delicate detergents. Keep them out from direct sunlight.